Vicki Bennett, Illustrations, John Flintcroft
Dreams Come True, workbook and CD, is a valuable resource for teachers to use with children. Visualisation creates an environment for children to grow and to learn and engage their imaginations.
Sometimes children need a quiet space of their own where nothing goes wrong. Reading this book and using the CD can provide a valuable tool for learning for children.
There are seven visualisations: The Secret Garden, use for creative learning and problem solving. Library of Learning, can be used as part of the study program, to build confidence for schoolwork. Magic Cave of Friends, can be used when there is any disharmony between friends in a classroom. Rainforest Healing, is an excellent tool to use when children are feeling aggressive or disruptive. The Beach and the Healing White Light, is useful when children are sick or out of sorts. Flying in the Clouds, is best used to ignite the imaginations for a writing task. Pink Bubble is a very calming visualisation, it helps children to feel safe and secure.
These visualisations become positive places to solve problems, helping to put their young minds to rest.
This workbook also has a section on goalsetting and behaviour.