The Effective Leader

How to Balance your Mind, Body and Spirit at Work and at Home

the effective leader
Vicki Bennett & Ian Mathieson

The Effective Leader; How To Balance Your Mind, Body And Spirit At Work And At Home is a motivational leadership book which, through nine easy steps explores mind, body, spirit for the individual in the context of the work environment. Successful leaders need to access a wide range of strengths and skills, but the great quest of our age is about bringing balance into our lives. The Effective Leader focuses on the total person and offers ideas and understandings to apply to all aspects of life. The nine key chapters explore a range of issues facing leaders and potential leaders; how to communicate, motivate, engage, be creative, exercise choice, give one’s self great customer service, attract talent and forgive quickly. This book will stimulate thinking and give creative and practical ideas to enhance your abilities as a leader.
