Hope For Twenty Bucks



I walked past the coffee shop and saw her looking intently into the face of a pretty young girl as she held her hand. The girl was listening carefully to her every word.

Ah ha, a Fortuneteller concentrating on her craft. Then I thought: if she’s available when I walk back from the Post Office, I’ll go in.

It was a perfect Brisbane day, the sun shining, the sky aqua blue, a balmy breeze from the east. What harm could there be?

‘Please sit down,’ she smiled. She looked normal, fiftyish, nicely dressed, no loopy earrings. Then, ‘Great, now give me your hand.’ And I did.

She told me there is a new baby on the way, or possibly a new idea for a project. That if it is a project it will be very successful. She cautioned me to think immaculately, to speak of my work enthusiastically and with confidence. She counseled me to do the very best I can in my work, then hand the rest over to the Universe.

‘Heaps of help is at hand.’ She said with a steely gaze.

I began to warm to my new friend. She continued and told me that this is the year of my emotional maturity. Well that’s been coming a while!

She then went on to remind me that as I am accountable for my responses, to be vigilant in taking control of my emotional reactions: to be strong, calm and positive. She said that when I do slide backwards, to remind myself: No, that’s not how I react now, and choose another way.

Then she told me the really good news; big money is on the way!

I paid her the $20 and left with a big goofy smile on my dial. And something more: renewed hope. Is it real? Is it true? Do I believe that someone can tell the future from looking at the palm of my hand? Maybe. But I guess I can make all of her predictions come true for myself.

Doesn’t it beat the heck out of the gloom and doom pedaled 24/7 through every medium we own? I think so, and I left the coffee shop with something that can be bought for 20 bucks. Hope in my heart and in my smile and I found myself whistling as I walked to my car.

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