Are We There Yet?

Who hasn’t been on a long journey and said or heard this? The urgency to get to our destination becomes the imperative.

Getting there, wherever there is, has always been a driver in my life. But it isn’t the bee’s knees. In my search for outcomes, destinations and goals, it’s easy to lose touch with the here and now.

I was reminded of this when, while I was delivering a talk about effective communication to caregivers in an aged-care centre. In wandered one of the residents, Dorethea. The sign on the door said Staff only, closed for Residents but this didn’t stop Dorethea.

She found a seat in the front row; I welcomed her and passed her a workbook. She was quick to concentrate and began taking notes, looking at me intently. She was the first to laugh when I was funny; she gave me encouragement with her eyes and her smile throughout the presentation.

It was during the break that I found out that Dorethea had early stage dementia; the notes she wrote were undecipherable by anyone else and it’s unsure just what Dorethea got out of the training session but I am very sure of what I gained from Dorethea. She gave me complete and absolute unconditional support in her moment. I realised it was me who had received the workshop. Dorethea reminded me what being in the moment is all about, the willingness to be centered in present time.

So I take some time every day to actively ground myself. The grounding exercise in the picture above is courtesy of I use it several times a day and it really works. As well as taking regular short breaks, especially when my focus is slipping, I stop and take long, slow breaths; recalibrating into the now.

Here are some ideas for grounding from The Effective Leader, a book I wrote with my husband, Ian…and yes we’re still talking.
o Drink plenty of water.
o Speak in present time even about future jobs.
o Create a light, cool, comfortable environment.
o Focus on your vision at the beginning of the day, then shift to daily
contribution towards it.
o Take lots of little breaks during the day, walk and stretch often.
o Always have a lunch break away from the work area.
o Signal subject changes with others.
o Speak in ways that are not threatening or intimidating.
o Remain grounded when you talk to people.
o Forgive quickly.

Being in present time allows us to access our creativity to its fullest and to encourage others’ creativity to flow.

Click here if you are interested in finding out more about The Effective Leader.